• "Always choosing peace rather than the need to be right reduces tension. Besides, being right is a matter of perspective. Being peaceful is simply a choice."
    — Karen Casey in All We Have Is All We Need
  • "Addiction, like Oscar the Grouch, thrives on negativity — he loves trash and trashing others. You would never catch Oscar on one of the Twelve Steps — they're designed as a way out of the garbage can. Happy, joyous, and free isn't a message to be preached — you can only deliver it by the brightness of your own spirit."
    — Mary Faulker in The Easy Does It Meditation Book
  • "The people you most need to give love to are often the people who deserve it the least."
    — Brian L. in Meeting Wisdom
  • "It is not wrong to be happy and appreciate the pleasures of life. The secret is to enjoy these things while we have them and not to be resentful when they naturally pass."
    — Chonyi Taylor in Enough!
  • Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
    — Melodie Beattie in Giving Thanks by M.J. Ryan
  • "Grace was in the holy arms that held me on that men's treatment unit — tattooed arms, needle-marked arms, God's arms. While the voices on that men's unit would have struck many as simply crude (reminiscent of the army barracks I had known forty years earlier), they were the sounds of prodigal sons being welcomed home, and it was gracious, holy ground."
    — James B. Nelson in Thirst

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