Away from Her (2007)
A subtle, poignant, and superbly acted drama about a long marriage that is tested externally by disease and internally by the chords of attachment. tested by disease and challenges to their caring and commitment to each other.

A Beautiful Mind (2001)
The incredible story of a brilliant Nobel Prize-winning mathematician whose wife helps him hatch his heart during a protracted struggle with schizophrenia.

Cutie and the Boxer (2013)
A top-drawer documentary about two artists who prove that some marriages can mysteriously add up to be more than the sum of their parts.

Digging for Fire (2015)
A poignant drama about marital love where husband and wife go their separate ways to confront their gods and demons. about a husband and wife who renew their relationship but only after they go their separate ways to confront their gods and demons.

Everyday (2013)
An innovative film about a couple improvising their family life when he is in prison and learning that difficulties in marriage are opportunities to find deeper reserves of love.

5 Flights Up (2015) A demonstration by a long-married couple of what it means to truly be in sync with each other.

Harold and Lillian: A Hollywood Love Story (2017)
A charming documentary about a long-married Hollywood couple who made many important contributions to American movies.

Hope Springs (2012)
A funny and psychologically rich movie about the renewal of a burnt-out marriage through therapy and intimacy exercises.

Iris (2001)
An intimate and poignant portrait of the unconventional marriage of philosopher and novelist Iris Murdoch and her literary critic husband John Bayley from their first encounter in the 1950s until her death of Alzheimer's disease in 1999.

The Kids Are All Right (2010)
A remarkable family drama with five endearing characters whose struggles and foibles are both genuine and touching. A remarkable drama about two lesbian parents, their two children, and the sperm donor who all together renegotiate what it means to be a family.

Le Week-End (2014)
A witty, insightful film about the challenges of a long-lived marriage, including old resentments, wounds, secrets, and sexual problems.

Love Is Strange (2014)
A moving drama about an aging gay couple forced to improvise when their life together in love is put in jeopardy.

My Love, Don't Cross That River (2016)
An emotionally jubilant documentary about the 76-year marriage of a Korean couple who are devoted to the soulful unfolding of each other.

Planet of the Snail (2012)
A deeply moving documentary about love, living with disabilities, savoring the senses, and being present.

Regarding Henry (1991)
The story of the spiritual transformation of an aggressive, successful, and amoral New York lawyer into a person who values love, play, intimacy, tenderness, and compassion thanks to the love of his wife.

A Song for Martin (2002)
An extraordinary Swedish film about a married couple's adventures in love late in life.

Still Mine (2013)
Proof positive that long-lived individuals possess the resilience to handle anything and everything that life throws at them. A love story that touches the heart with its uplifting portrait of a long-lived couple enduring a storm of troubles with fearlessness, courage, and mutual support.

The Theory of Everything (2014)
Touching story about a couple able to weather many challenges thanks to their partnership approach to marriage. A biiopicture about Stephen Hawking and his wife Jane, whose partnership approach to marriage provides them with a shelter from the storm of illness.

A United Kingdom (2017)
A moving film about the love, courage, and perseverance of an interracial couple facing wide-ranging challenges to their marriage. Based on the true story of the king of what is now Botswana and his white English wife who together face wide-ranging challenges to their union and his right to rule.

While We're Young (2015)
A poignant comedy about a middle-aged couple who are stuck-in-a-rut in their marriage and work and yearn for a different life together in love.