Take some time, through writing, to get a handle on your own story. Sit with the ideas and questions below over time; begin to notice what rises to the surface and which patterns emerge. Here are some topics to start with:

  • Every life has a handful of key turning points. What event(s) in your life would help someone best understand you?
  • What times in your life did you feel like you were truly on your own, forging your own path?
  • Describe a rough time you’ve had in the past year or two.
  • What have been the five greatest influences on the person you are today?
  • How satisfied do you feel about your life right now? What are you doing that you shouldn’t be doing? Not doing that you should be? What are you doing now that you always wanted to but somehow never thought it would happen?
Claudia Horwitz in The Spiritual Activist