One of Ignatius’s first followers, Francis Borgia, recommended these daily practices for cultivating humility:

- As you get dressed in the morning, think of those who lack sufficient clothing.
- As you eat your meals, think of those who lack proper nourishment.
- As you go to bed at night, think of those who lack safety and shelter.

For Francis Borgia, these three moments of daily reflection helped cultivate Christ’s humility and solidarity with the poor and the marginalized. Combined with gratitude — which recognizes that we cannot take credit for our many privileges — this practice forms the foundation for new attitudes about ourselves and our world.

Take a few minutes to reflect on Borgia’s advice. How might you integrate it into your life? What reminders could you create (for example, an alarm on your phone) to call your attention to this expanded awareness of others?

Patrick Saint-Jean in The Spirituality of Transformation, Joy, and Justice