Please make your own personal lists of “closest to what matters” and furthest from what matters” moments. (Your closest moments could also describe when you feel most safe, free to be yourself, or connect to something larger than yourself.)

Now, look back on what you’ve written. Would you be willing to make the effort to be in one of your closest situations today? [Trace the outline of your left hand and right hand on a sheet of paper.] If so, please write that effort or action inside the left hand…. And if you find yourself in a furthest moment, would you be willing to feel the discomfort it brings and allow it to guide and enlighten you? If the answer is yes, please indicate that in whatever way you’d like in the right hand.

Let’s commit to this intention by making a visual reminder. Please grab a sticky note and write down the healing truth we uncovered today. Post it where you can see it often.

Rachel Macy Stafford in Soul Shift