God of belief,
When we take account of the tragedies of the world, it is difficult to believe there is a powerful and loving God with us. There is so much we wish you would intervene in to bring justice and healing now. We trust that you are a God who is patient with these doubts. A God who is not threatened by our unbelief but draws near to us in it. Help us toward an understanding of you that includes tension and mystery. Let us be empathetic with our souls, which have endured so much suffering, and incline us to ask deep questions of our maker. But as we do so, let us find an empathy for you – a God who is no stranger to suffering but endures all things with us – that we might find full liberation. Let our doubts lead us into deeper intimacy with the divine as we tell the truth of the questions that plague us. Amen.

Cole Arthur Riley in Black Liturgies