Your wit, beauty, talent and riches are lovely. And probably other people enjoy them too. But what matters most is your gift of presence.

Presence is what will remain longest in other people's minds when they think about you. It is what will eventually determine whether you affect them positively or not.

Be aware of what your presence brings to other people. Stand in their shoes.

• Listen to the tone of voice you use when you speak to others.
• Be honest about your moods. Other people sense these before you have spoken a single word. Nothing is more powerful in its effect on others than your mood (and the thoughts that drive your mood).
• Recognize how like others you are in the fundamental things — however different your outward self may be. Know that what affects, hurts or pleases you will affect them in almost exactly the same ways.
• Let yourself remember how a brief kindness 'makes your day.' Free yourself to be kind to other people. Recognize your power to do that. And be kind to yourself also.

Stephanie Dowrick in Choosing Happiness: Life & Soul Essentials