The cosmic drama of our life is always showing — at a theatre in you, as you. Each frame moves you out of one way of being and into another. The evolution of life is an Academy Award-winning presentation. It is produced, powered, and fueled by an amazing energy described by Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore as "zeal." . .nbsp;.

Charles Fillmore reminded us that zeal is no respecter of persons. It will work on behalf of anyone who employs it for any reason. So, he says, we must exercise both wisdom and love in its use. Here is the key to the power of zeal. In wisdom and in love, begin to get excited about where the river of life, the divine agenda, is moving you. Be willing to release the status quo and its promise of comfort and security. Do what you were created to do — trust life! Trust the force that created you. Trust the force that has provided for you from the very beginning. Modeling all of nature around you, start allowing the flow of life in yourlife.

Christopher H. Jackson, New Thought for a New Millenium by Michael A. Maday