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Results for "Jesus"
Jesus The life and ministry of the man from Nazareth as seen through the imagination of a creative Jesuit.
Jesus Commentary on the hidden life and ministry of Jesus and his penchant for descent and humility.
Jesus Henri J. M. Nouwen on seeking a release from the prison of worry.
Jesus A huge and trailblazing contribution to the ongoing and unstoppable conversation about Jesus and the "way."
Jesus Reynolds Price on the powerful impact of Jesus.
Jesus A commentary on the story of Jesus' meeting two disciples on the road to Emmaus.
Jesus Focuses on Jesus as a Jewish peasant who broke all societal rules in his day.
Jesus A marvelous tapestry of meanings about the historical figure at the heart of Christianity.
Jesus Many interesting details can be gleaned from this lively compendium.
Jesus Claims that the image of God enables us to fight our inner demons and become all we were meant to be.