July 6

"Jan Hus (1372-1415), a Czech priest, reformer, and martyr, advocated a spirituality for laypeople through deeper knowledge of scripture.

Psalm 91:1-6

"Trouble comes in all shapes and sizes; evil wears many disguises. Yet God's love and protection remains broad and varied, strong and true. God is a refuge and fortress to which we can go for protection (v. 2). God will cover us as an eagle protects her young (vv. 3-4). Resting beneath God's wings is a powerful image of warmth and security, of a mother's strength and caring. This psalm provides a nighttime prayer: 'I will not fear the shadows of the night, nor the confusion that comes by day, Nor the dreams that awaken me from sleep, nor the daily changes that life brings' (vv. 5-6, PFP). As you let this assurance of God's protection enfold you, you might pray: 'Almighty God . . . grant that I may be more expectant of your protective care than fearful of the dangers of evil.'

"Our family created a prayer with motions.

Loving Jesus, be our holy guest (Pretend to open a door.)
Our morning joy, our evening rest (Raise one arm in an arc like the sun going up and then going down.)
And with this food to us impart (Reach out hands over the food to bless it, then bring the hands to the mouth.)
Justice and peace to every heart. (Draw the letter J in the air, then move your hands like a peaceful flowing river, finally bringing them to rest on your heart.)

"Try praying this prayer at mealtime, or create your own prayer. Consider using motions."