You can choose one as a slogan to work with each day. As you go through your day, hold it in your mind and use it to deepen your experiential understanding of what your life is about.

· The path is about being with our life as it is, not as we would like it to be.
· The path is about becoming free of the slavery of our self-judgments and our shame.
· The path is about increasing awareness of who we are and what our life is.
· The path is about learning to be a lamp unto ourselves.
· The path is always about returning to the true self.
· The path is about the growing ability to say “thank you” to everything that we meet.
· The path is about the clash between what we want and what is.
· The path is about increasingly entering into Love – not personal love, but the Love that is the nature of our Being.
· The path is about turning from a self-centered view to a life-centered view.
· The path is about willingly residing in whatever life presents to us.
· The path is about appreciating our preferences without making them demands.
· The path is about perseverance – the ability to continue in our efforts even though life doesn’t please us in the ordinary sense.
· The path is about learning to live from the open heart – the heart that only knows connectedness.
· The path is about learning to say ‘Yes’ to what’s happening – Yes, I’m willing to experience this in this moment – even when we hate it.
· The path is about giving ourselves to others, like a white bird in the snow.
· The path always comes back to the willingness to just be.
· The path is about finally understanding the basic paradox that although everything is a mess, All is Well.