Read an excerpt on justice.

Matthew Fox, founder and president of the University of Creation Spirituality in Oakland, California, presents translations and commentaries on the German and Latin texts of 37 sermons by Meister Eckhart, the controversial fourteenth-century Dominican priest, preacher, and mystic. The paperback is divided into four parts all dealing with the experience of God (1) in creation, (2) in letting go and letting be, (3) in breakthrough and giving birth to self and God, and (4) in compassion and social justice. Some of the major themes covered in these sermons are the importance of blessing, celebration, panentheism, mystery, spiritual maturity, and what it means to be a child of God.

In the foreword to this reissue of his 1980 work, Matthew Fox salutes this fourteenth-century mystic for giving us some inspiration for a twenty-first century Christianity that blends ecology, art, and prophecy in a unique synthesis. The great Dominican thinker restores us to "eros" — a love of life and passion. That is why Meister Eckhart's words have such relevance to women, nature, grace, creativity, and justice.

In closing, here's a sample quotation from Eckhart to chew upon: "The most beautiful thing which a person can say about God consists in that person's being silent from the wisdom of an inner wealth. So be silent and do not flap your gums about God."