Staci Boden is a San Francisco-based writer, healing practitioner, and energy worker who practices with individuals and groups through her company Dancing-Tree Consulting. Visit her at www.

We all need to develop some form of spiritual resiliency as we cope with the everyday stresses and shocks of life, death and illness, unemployment, divorce, loneliness, and whatever else comes our way.

In Turning Dead Ends into Doorways, Boden shares Life's Eight Teachers:

• fear
• awareness
• choice
• body
• intuition
• energy
• intention
• surrender.

They are part and parcel of the author's Practical Spirituality which relates to the full and constantly changing rhythms of our lives at home, at work, and in relationships with others.

Boden sees Practical Spirituality as a stay against confusion and despair when we are up-ended by surprises or catastrophes. Here are a few of the habits, ideas, and behaviors she deals with:

• synchronicity
• the bad habits of expectations and trying to control things
• the wisdom of the body
• grounding yourself
• conversing with your soul
• recognizing miracles when they happen
• letting go of rigid and closed off ways of acting.

Last week we put up a quotation on Twitter by the playwright Tom Stoppard which proved to be very popular: "Every exit is an entry to somewhere else." Staci Boden says the same thing in the title of her book. It's time to reframe how we see troubles, obstacles and hindrances.

Try a Spiritual Practice on Transformation