Jean Smith is the author of numerous books including 365 Zen, A Beginner's Guide to Zen Buddhism, and Breath Sweeps Mind. She is a longtime associate of the Insight Meditation Society and is the head of the executive board of the Mountain Retreat Center in Taos, New Mexico, where she lives.

For Buddhists, the ten paramis or perfections are heart-mind qualities which formed the basic teachings of the Buddha. According to Smith, these qualities are ones we already have and can learn to develop. Those who are serious about spiritual practice will want to embrace four goals in reference to these teachings:

• "Establish the heartfelt intention to want to lead a 'good' life.
• Identify the heart-mind qualities we want to actualize.
• Cultivate mindfulness to recognize the presence or absence of those qualities.
• Resolve to make those qualities central to our lives."

In the first four chapters, Smith sets the stage by exploring the Foundations for Happiness: suffering, impermanence, karma and mindfulness. In the introduction to the Perfections, she writes:

"The perfections are ten specific ways of benefitting other beings -- when they are undertaken with mindfulness, compassion, and skillful means, when they are cultivated with the aspiration for liberation for oneself and all beings. The opposites of all perfections are greed, hatred, and delusion."

These "sacred adornments of the heart" are not specifically Buddhist but have universal applications and resonance. Here is the list of the ten along with a resolution and a mantra for each one:

1. Generosity — Resolution: May my heart be open to give and to receive with joy and ease. Mantra: May I give with joy.

2. Ethical Integrity — Resolution: May ethical integrity in thoughts, words, and actions be my gift to myself and the beings around me. Mantra: May I give freedom from fear to all beings.

3. Renunciation — Resolution: May I renounce and let go of anything that does not lead to liberation and compassion for all beings. Mantra: May I let go of ever harming other beings.

4. Wisdom — Resolution: With discernment and insight, may I make choices that lead to compassion and liberation. Mantra: May my choices be wise and compassionate.

5. Wise Effort — Resolution: May I awaken and sustain the perfections in my life. Mantra: May goodness energize my life.

6. Patience — Resolution: May I be patient and forgiving when self-centered fear or anger arises, accepting things just as they are. Mantra: May I be patient and forgiving to all.

7. Truthfulness — Resolution: May I be truthful with myself so that there is harmony between what I say, what I do, and who I am. Mantra: May I be truthful with myself and others.

8. Resolve — Resolution: May I resolve to practice for my deepest liberation. Mantra: May I resolve to practice for the benefit of all beings.

9. Loving-Kindness — Resolution: May cultivating metta practice concentrate my mind and open my heart. Mantra: May loving-kindness define my relationships with others.

10. Equanimity — Resolution: Balanced in body, heart, and mind, may I be nonreactive to what arises and passes away. Mantra: May I be nonreactive to the unexpected changes of life.

Smith knows that spiritual practice is all important here. She encloses "Practice and Reflection" section on each of the 10 Perfections. For added value, you will find instructions for an at-home self-retreat.