Perhaps life is calling you right now to investigate gratitude: Try to see its signs everywhere. If you find this difficult, begin with the small things closest to you. Even thank before you receive. This pathway is not a matter of business, of give and take. It is the sign of a heart that remembers Unity. . . .


Center again in the heart. Any doorway into this path is a good place to start, but they all start and end in the heart. As you walk down the street, begin to look outside of your own envelope of concerns and to-do lists. Look around for things for which to be thankful, and people who are expressing their own unique melodies and fragrances in life. In this way, gradually enter the "secret rose garden."

During a midday break, imagine your own heart as a garden of beauty and invite in the various voices of the inner self. As each enters, welcome and thank them. Then, with your feeling of your inner community united in the only "I Am," look outward and thank your friends, family, community, and all beings.

Neil Douglas-Klotz in The Sufi Book of Life