Flower Meditation is often quite relaxing, although it can also be very energizing, depending on the flower. If you feel energized during your practice, pay attention to the difference between that energy and the buzzy energy of your smartphone or a cup of coffee. There are ways to gain energy that are replenishing and ways that are depleting. Understanding this distinction is really important in our rest work as it gives us invaluable information on ways that we can access energy that is clean and doesn’t tax our system in the process.

Procure a flower. Arrange it in a vase or glass and set it about a foot away from you at eye level.

Take a comfortable seat. Place your feet on the ground, hip-width apart.

Inhale and exhale slowly through your nose. Reflect on the earth, sun, rain, and soil that grew the flower before you. Gaze softly at the flower with relaxed eyes. Blink normally and smile gently to release any tension in your face.

Look at this flower with a childlike wonder, as if it’s the first time you’ve ever seen a flower. Notice its details, the shapes, colors, textures, and any scent the flower emits.

See if you can feel the flower’s energy, its vibrancy, its amazingness. When thoughts surface, notice them then gently bring your attention back to the flower. Continue to commune with the flower and settle into its magnificence.

When your practice is complete, offer the flower gratitude and notice how you feel.

Ashley Neese in Permission to Rest