Working a piece of gum makes it ready for a metamorphosis. One day, mysteriously, it begins to swell with the breath — take on a form of the sphere — expand like a universe — culminating in a Big Bang. Here's where it all gets interesting.

So, too, in our spiritual life. If we keep chewing and chewing (praying, sharing, reading, meditating, repeating the mantra over and again) one day we will find such bubbles growing. Bubbles of revelation. Bubbles of compassion. Bubbles of insight. Bubbles of joy, God-bubbles all, one after another, and at the most unexpected times.

The challenge is not to spit out the gum prematurely. Remember, you're seeking not just superficial sweetness, but the ever-expanding bubble. As any child knows, that's what's really sweet.

Drew Leder, Sparks of the Divine