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Results for "author_first: Aura, author_last: Glaser"
Compassion is suffering with and more Compassion is suffering with and more
Compassion is characterized by warmth Compassion is characterized by warmth
Compassion is the antidote for self-absorption Compassion is the antidote for self-absorption
Retrieving the exiled shadow Retrieving the exiled shadow
Compassion is a natural response to interconnectedness Compassion is a natural response to interconnectedness
Hebrew Prayer of Forgiveness An intention and entreaty for everyone's forgiveness and freedom from harm.
Seeing Others through the "I" of the Beholder A meditation on the changing nature of relationships as an impetus to be loving and compassionate with everyone.
Compassion for Self A self-tonglen meditation practice.
A Call to Compassion Aura Glaser on cultivating the spiritual practice of compassion.
A Call to Compassion Shows how this spiritual practice is integral to psychological health and wholeness.