The disgusting gang rape on a bus in India of a woman student, who later died of her injuries, has set off a firestorm of protest against gender violence. Nicholas Kristof cites other shocking incidents and notes that women worldwide ages 15 through 44 are more likely to die or be maimed because of male violence than because of cancer, malaria, war, and traffic accidents combined. The World Health Organization has found that domestic and sexual violence affects 30 to 60 percent of women in most countries.

We protest this violence, and we also counter it with prayerful respect and affirmations of the fundamental worth and potential of all women everywhere.

And so we pray this news. . .


I am a woman
born of God
I am a woman
born of love

I am caring and competent
vulnerable and powerful
seeking wholeness
physically, emotionally, and spiritually

I am a woman
reaching out to others
making a difference in myself
my family
and the world

I am empowering myself
to empower others

I am struggling to accept my anger
and use it to gain strength, confidence,
courage, and intimacy with others

I am a woman
who sees the interconnectedness of all human beings
who values the unique gifts of all

I am a woman who leads and follows
who accepts responsibility for myself
and the choices I make

Yes, I am a woman
who sees each day as a new beginning
a chance to grow in self, love, and service

I am a woman
born of God
I am a woman
born of love
And I can be
All that I am
– Ms. Katherine Tyler Scott in
Women's Uncommon Prayers:
Our Lives Revealed, Nurtured, Celebrated

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