Recent Spiritual Readings of the Day

Timothy Mullner in A Spiritual Guide for the Unemployed Timothy Mullner on unemployment as a spiritual teacher.
Helen Macdonald in Vesper Flights A nature writer's ode to the value of paying attention to the natural world in each moment of the day.
Rami Shapiro in The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness Rami Shapiro's on a kindness practice based on a Talmudic legend
Stephen Cope in Will Yoga & Meditation Really Change My Life? Stephen Cope on letting go and living in the present moment without control.
Catherine Gray in The Unexpected Joy of the Ordinary An unusual list of 26 ordinary experiences to make you happy.
Robert E. Kennedy in Zen Spirit, Christian Spirit Robert E. Kennedy on having interreligious dialogue through imagination.
Martha Heyneman in The Breathing Cathedral Martha Heyneman on our body being a temple and a house of Wisdom to guide us through life.
Robert Benson in In Constant Prayer Robert Benson on a variety of habits and places of devotion.
Jon M. Sweeney, Mark S. Burrows in Meister Eckhart’s Book of Darkness & Light A poetic meditation by Jon M. Sweeney and Mark S. Burrows of Meister Eckhart’s understanding that God is within you.
Bernie S. Siegel in 365 Prescriptions for the Soul Dr. Bernie S. Siegel's teaching story about practicing patience.
Gunilla Norris in Becoming Bread Gunilla Norris's poem about the value of crumbs as little chances to love.
Ken McLeod in Wake Up to Your Life Ken McLeod on the noble truth of suffering.
Joan Chittister in Radical Spirit Joan Chittister on how humility requires listening and openness to the wisdom and views of others.
David Richo in The Five Things We Cannot Change . . . David Richo on how grace expands our hearts, our will, and our world.
Thomas Moore in The Soul of Sex Reflections on mysterious desire.
David Appelbaum, Joseph Kulin in Gathering Sparks Sobonfu Some on listening to the divine messages (in a book edited by Joseph Kulin and David Appelbaum).
Deepak Chopra in Ageless Body, Timeless Mind A case for treating the body as an ally.
Alice Peck in Bread Body Spirit Alice Peck on nurturing by serving food.
Charles Cummings in Eco-Spirituality Charles Cummings on the value of every feature of the global landscape.
Dawna Markova in Spot of Grace Dawna Markova on our resilient nature and grace in our lives.
James W. Jones in In the Middle of This Road We Call Our Life Encouragement to let the depths of the inner world speak.
Isabell Sawhill in The Forgotten Americans A comparison between the novel Lord of the Flies and the early decades of the 21st century.
Andrew Harvey (translator) in Love Is Everything How we work with God’s hands and walk with God’s feet.
Erik Kolbell in The God of Second Chances Erik Kolbell on changing and "dying" into new life.
Eric Maisel in Everyday You Eric Maisel on mystery as the heart of mindfulness.
Tamar Frankiel in The Gift of Kabbalah Tamar Frankiel on affirmation that can be used in spiritual practices.
Tulku Thondup in Peaceful Death, Joyful Rebirth Inspired guidance for caregivers on how to help a person experiencing the transformation of death.