"Cultivating your own pleasure practice will help you tune into your body through the senses. Sensuality, or being in connection to and pleasing the senses, is a big part of the feminine. When we actively engage in our own pleasure -— even in tiny, everyday ways — we are showing the universe that we are open to receiving more. Actively pursuing our own enjoyment has the potential to shift our outlook and thought patterns.

"Stepping into a headspace of being worthy of receiving good things is one of the best ways we can unlock our magic and magnetic powers. And if you're doing it through a daily pleasure practice, it can be the most fun too. Take a few deep breaths before you start, go slowly, and focus on whatever you're experiencing. The only rule is enjoyment. Switch it up each day to find ways to keep it fresh.

"Cooking, dancing, and being in a peaceful natural setting hit most or all of the senses at once. Whatever you decide to do, view your pleasure as an act of pure self-love and liberation. Some areas to explore:

"Hear: Music, the ocean, silence, rain.

"See: Art, trees, ocean, sunshine, plants, architecture, the farmers' market, loved ones.

"Taste: Eat favorite meals and snacks. Buy yourself a fancy version of something you love — chocolate, natural wine, a croissant, a punnet of berries — and take a looong time to eat it.

"Smell: Essential oils, going to a beloved bakery, making a great cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, fresh flowers or herbs.

"Feel/touch: Fresh air, soft or silky fabrics, a warm bath, cuddling a pet, hugging your partner or a friend, massage (self-massage is great for this practice), clean sheets, warm Pjs."