Tiny Habits for Active Older Adults

  1. "After I make a cup of tea, I will get out my medications.
  2. After I get the morning paper, I will take three deep breaths.
  3. After I finish the paper, I will turn on a favorite album and dance a bit.
  4. After I sit down for breakfast, I will take one medication.
  5. After I clean my breakfast dish, I will put on my walking shoes.
  6. After I set out on my walk, I will call a sibling.
  7. After I get on the walking path, I will turn on my camera and shoot a single photo.
  8. After I get back to my street, I will check the mailbox.
  9. After I open the garden gate, I will pause and say, 'Every day is a gift.'
  10. After I put on my garden gloves, I will pull three weeds.
  11. After I see a beautiful blooming plant, I will clip a few blooms to put in a vase.
  12. After I take off my walking shoes, I will fill my water glass.
  13. After I sit down on the couch, I will launch my photography app.
  14. After I open a photograph to edit, I will make one adjustment.
  15. After I turn on the shower, I will think one positive thought about my body.
  16. After I turn off the water, I will grab hold of the safety bar to exit the shower.
  17. After I hang up my towel, I will apply my skin cream to a patch of dry skin.
  18. After I put on my undergarments, I will do a stretch and touch my toes.
  19. After my boyfriend arrives at my house, I will pay him a genuine compliment. "After we turn on the dance music, I will whisper, 'Dance like no one's watching.' "