The Law of Three: The Foundational Principles

1. In every new arising there are three forces involved: affirming, denying, and reconciling (or affirming, denying, and neutralizing).

2. The interweaving of the three produces a fourth in a new dimension.

3. Affirming, denying, and reconciling are not fixed points or permanent essence attributes, but can and do shift and must be discerned situationally.

4. It is always at the neutralizing point that a new triad emerges.

5. Not any set of three items constitutes a trinity but only those sets in which the three can be seen to be dynamically intertwined according to the stipulations of the Law of Three.

6. Solutions to impasses generally come by learning how to spot and mediate third force, which is present in every situaiton but generally hidden.

7. New arisings according to the Law of Three will generally continue to progress according to the Law of Seven.

8. The idea of third force is found in religion in the concept of the Trinity.