“Secrets are at the heart of many pieces of writing, since God, creation, the world itself, and even our own lives seem to be a secret. Every narrative is based on a question, a mystery, something we cannot understand. Mystery and secrets keep the reader in suspense, waiting for more information to be revealed. Secrets mirror the mystery of our lives, the inescapable mystery of death. The world is a mystery, yet as writers, we don’t always have to solve that mystery; rather we need to respect it and honor it.

“Sod [Secret] is also connected to originality and creativity. What can you say that is uniquely yours? What can you say that stems from your unique vision and experience of the world? When you write a book proposal, the publisher wants you to look at the other books on the topic. Why is your book different? What do you have to say on this topic that hasn’t been said before? When you are writing from your deepest most authentic self, you are capable of writing that nobody else has said because it is yours.

“Sod is a surprise because it is distinct and original and authentic. What do you have to say that will surprise your readers (and yourself)? You may discover an epiphany, which literally means 'the appearance of God.' Each piece of writing is its own discovery.”