“Do you have a history of being a pleaser and an appeaser? If so, in the pressure of the moment, you may cave to people because you want their approval. However, that can lead to a life you don’t like, filled with individuals you’d rather not be with.

“So why do this?

“Pleasers often come from unhappy homes in which they received limited support or love. They thought being obedient and agreeable was the way to get their parents’ attention, so they did their best to be the good little boy or girl. Even as adults, they continue to try to ingratiate themselves to others to get the acceptance they never received as kids.

“Pleasers are often approval junkies. If someone doesn’t like them, they quickly self-examine to see if they did something 'wrong.' Then they adapt themselves to get back in the other person’s good grace. If someone is upset with them, they try to make it right to 'keep the peace,' at any price. Unfortunately, the price is often giving in and going along and sacrificing their own wants, needs, and rights. They frequently minimize their own opinions with comments like 'It doesn’t matter' and 'I don’t mind' when it does matter and they do mind.”