In the sixth volume of the acclaimed series Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices, editors Elliot Dorf and Danya Ruttenberg probe some of the major social justice issues of our times. As usual, there are the ancient as well as contemporary voices of tradition offering insights. Contributors include Jill Jacobs of Jewish Funds for Justice; Arthur Waskow, director of the Shalom Center; and Laurie Levenson, a ULCA law professor. The paperback is divided into sections and case studies on Poverty and Health Care; Discrimination and Preferential Treatment; The Environment; and Criminal Justice.

The Jewish tradition places a heavy emphasis on the pursuit of social justice. It can be pursued through charity, participating in organizations dedicated to the welfare of the poor and the needy, or through social action projects of the synagogue or other Jewish organizations. One of the underlying motives for helping others is the spiritual practice of compassion. As the editors conclude: "We must preserve not only the life and health of others, but their dignity as well."