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Results for "author_first: John Philip, author_last: Newell"
John Philip Newell A profile with bibliography and distinctive contribution to spirituality
Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul An offering of Celtic spirituality and intuition to heal our communities and world.
Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul Reflections on the sacred feminine and on sacred imagination.
Opening Prayer and Thanksgiving A prayer of gratitude and love.
Opening Prayer A prayer for seeing God's image within us.
Closing Prayer Expressing gratitude for the cycles of life.
Prayer of Awareness Seeing God in all things.
The Light of God Meditation Awakening your longings for love and life.
The Rebirthing of God A presentation of eight features for a renewal of Christianity plus the guides who can show us how.
The Rebirthing of God John Philip Newell on how the path of compassion begins with the courage to see as shown by the example of Aung San Suu Kyi.