Cousins Lorenzo and Gianna are bored during their family vacation. Their parents have left them with their uncle, a monk named Brother Antonio, for the day in Assisi, the home of St. Francis. He engages their interest by making them guess what Francis might have done in different places.

At the chapel in San Damiano, the first chapel Francis rebuilt, the children realized that Francis had prayed right where they were! Brother Antonio explains that he prayed by listening. "Our Brother Francis heard the Lord calling him to a new life. It would be a life like his, a life of humility, poverty, and love." Their day ends with a visit to the basilica built in Francis's honor around his tomb.

This picture book is designed for children 5 – 8. The detailed illustrations by Ann Kissane Engelhart evoke the warmth and color of the Italian city. Excerpts and prayers from Francis's writings are included on each page spread, giving readers another entry point into the life and teachings of this saint.