
If we can control our relationships, our loves and our dislikes, we not only control evil unwittingly, but we can become evil unknowingly.

For Reflection

  • What thoughts and feelings come to mind as you consider the possibility of living in a "posthuman" world? Who will be included in this world? Who will be excluded or left out from this "posthuman" world?
  • Given what you know about Francis of Assisi, what do you think is an appropriate Franciscan response to the world of cyber reality?
  • How can we effectively negotiate our way in a technological world so that we do not sacrifice our sense of connection with others?
  • What steps can we take to strengthen a sense of connectedness and compassion with others – including not only family and friends, but even strangers we meet in public?
  • What are some ways that we can be more "present" to those strangers we encounter in public places?
  • Practice a cyberfast one day a week for four weeks. Reflect on this fast and your practice of compassion.
Ilia Delio in Compassion