S&P's Living Spiritual Teachers Project and Remembering Spiritual Masters Project are ongoing efforts by this website. These profiles — a biography of each teacher, quotation sampler, list of his/her distinctive contributions, and links to reviews of his/her books, audios, videos, interviews, articles, and website — spotlight people from different religious and spiritual traditions we think you should meet on your spiritual journey.

We have selected 30 teachers out of the 140 on this site as "wise elders."

  1. Angeles Arrien
  2. Christina Baldwin
  3. Daniel Berrigan
  4. Leonardo Boff
  5. Sylvia Boorstein
  6. Joan Chittister
  7. Pema Chodron
  8. David A. Cooper
  9. H. H. The Dalai Lama
  10. Ram Dass
  11. Margaret Guenther
  12. Edward Hays
  13. Thomas Keating
  14. Sam Keen
  15. Lawrence Kushner
  16. Joanna Macy
  17. William Martin
  18. Megan McKenna
  19. Thomas Moore
  20. Jacob Needleman
  21. Thich Nhat Hanh
  22. Parker J. Palmer
  23. Rachel Naomi Remen
  24. Richard Rohr
  25. Joyce Rupp
  26. Zalman Schachter Shalomi
  27. Huston Smith
  28. David Steindl-Rast
  29. Desmond Tutu
  30. Arthur Waskow