Postdenominationalism is about pluralism and ecumenism in religion. It is about stretching our piecemeal religious boundaries and setting aside our boxes to the extent that they are neither challenging us nor nourishing us deeply anymore, or to the extent that they are interfering with the pressing earth issues of our time. Denominationalism mirrors the physics of the modern era, when we were taught a parts mentality and that atoms are rugged individualists that never interpenetrate. In the name of denominationalism we have, over the centuries, fought wars, tortured people and whole towns, excommunicated one another, hated one another, competed against one another, banished one another to hell for eternity, and more or less managed to miss the point of what Jesus of Nazareth was teaching: such behavior characteristics as compassion, justice making, loving your enemies, telling the truth. . . . It is hoped that a postdenominational era will improve our efforts to live out the message of Jesus.

Matthew Fox, Confessions