As with every working, this ceremony should be preceded by a smoke cleansing....

I bow and give respect to the highest being, the Master of Heaven.
I invite you to come and accept my humble offerings.
We welcome you and your glory.

I call the great star spirits that shine to us our destinies!
The North Star, Big Dipper, Orion’s Belt, and others.
I call the beloved ancestral spirits, my Grandfather and Grandmother spirits,
Who watch over me unconditionally.
I invite the heavenly beings and gods, both wrathful and gentle, and beg for your kindness and favor.

I bow and give respect to the Earth Mother whose breath gave me form.
I call to the land spirits!
The nagas and sprites who rule the shimmering kingdom of water.
The earth-lords who rule the strong rugged kingdom of mountains.
May your magnificence never diminish, may your wonders ever inspire.
From the smallest plants, to the rushing rivers, to the mighty forest, mountains, and caverns!
Please bless us with health and fortune.

I beg the presence of Omosi Mama, the Manchu goddess of life!
May your willows grow strong yet graceful, and may your fires never falter.
With your rope, tighten my bonds with family and friends as you do with all life.
Strengthen my household fire, as you do with the fires of the Middle World.
Watch over our children as they are born and grow, and our elderly before they return to you.

To all the spirits called, please accept these offerings.
I offer you the purest untouched milk, the white life essence of nature.
I offer the blue-green smoke of my herbs as it rises to the highest heavens.
[List out any other offerings that are prepared.]
Please accept these offerings evenly and fairly, without ignoring any.

To all the spirits and gods I have called,
Please grant to us your protection and blessings.
Forgive the trespasses and mistakes I have committed, for I am silly and stupid.
And in your kindness, grant us health and prosperity.
Protect me from calamities, both physical and spiritual, and guide me when I am lost.
Allow true friends to share my table and turn away my enemies’ eyes.
Open the roads to opportunities so that I may flourish and present offerings to you again.
May my wishes be granted. So shall it be.

David Shi in Spirit Voices