In his blog called "The Haystack," Edward Hays, one of our favorite spiritual teachers, ponders the question "Who Are You?" and comes up with our capacity for awe and wonder. In the creative biography on his website, he portrays himself as "walking the razor's edge between madness and magic." He relishes his enchanted childhood and has brought into adulthood and the "Eldergarden" the "wonder-world of stories and imagination."

We have benefited immensely from the mystic maps Hays has scribbled over the years for seekers like us. How has he been able to sustain this long, ardent, and adventuresome writing ministry? By paying attention to "frequent backyard encounters with the Presence" and by routinely doing "artistic calisthenics for the imagination."

Hays ponders the meaning of poet Maya Angelou's words and hopes that they will rekindle our sense of wonder:

"You are the sum of everything you've ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot – it's all there."

Think of it! Each of us is filled with a mind-boggling abundance of experiences, encounters, and memories! Everything we have seen, felt, and made known can be savored personally and shared with others. This treasure-trove combines to make us incredibly rich people. In addition, all these aspects of our identity make us mysterious individuals who cannot be easily summed up or labelled. We are part of God's continuing creation! What an awesome life we lead!

Next Post: In Praise of Doing the Same Thing All the Time