We Had to Quit Playing God

If you have drawn this card Ask yourself how you play God? Are you expecting yourself to know something you can't know — like how "it's" going to turn out? Perhaps it's time for a new play and a new cast of characters. The new version might run on a whole new paradigm. What if you had the divine being of your understanding as a partner, rather than a judge? What if you gave God the supporting role in your life?

Journal Suggestion Spirituality usually involves three essential questions. Who am I? Who (or what) am I seeking? What does this tell me about my relationship with the rest of creation? These three questions can take up the rest of your life, as deeper insight comes with time and experience. Write your thoughts and feelings at this time — but be sure to write in pencil!

Action Do what you would do today if you didn't have to play God.

Enjoy Yourself, God Is Working in Your Life

If you have drawn this card It's a reminder that God is working in your life — often God's healing work comes through people, a beautiful garden, even a spider. Listen for this sacred conversation today, paying attention to even the softest whispers. You'll find that many problems simply disappear while you do nothing. God at work! Insight comes later as you just feel better at the end of the day.

Journal Suggestion Develop a relationship with a particular place in nature — let it be your sacred place. Spend time there simply being. Breathe into your belly. Notice how the air smells and feels, notice the colors, shapes, and sounds in the environment. You don't have to do anything — just notice. The natural world is communicating with us all the time. Later write about your experience and make sketches of what you saw in your book.

Action Spend twenty minutes in nature today, just observing.