A Very Simple Trust

"Are there realities which make life beautiful and of which it can be said that they bring a kind of fulfillment, an inner joy? Yes, there are. And one of these realities bears the name of trust.

"Do we realize that what is best in each of us is built up through a simple trusting? This is something even a child can do.

A Very Simple Trust

"Are there realities which make life beautiful and of which it can be said that they bring a kind of fulfillment, an inner joy? Yes, there are. And one of these realities bears the name of trust.

"Do we realize that what is best in each of us is built up through a simple trusting? This is something even a child can do.

"But at every age, some people are marked by suffering — being abandoned by others, seeing those they love die. And for many people today the future is so uncertain that they lose all delight in life.

"For all, the source of confident trust is in God. God is love (1 John 4:8) and forgiveness, and dwells at the center of each person's soul.

"Trust does not make us forget the suffering of so many unfortunate people across the earth. Their trials make us reflect: how can we be people who, sustained by a life of communion with God, search with others for ways of making the earth a better place to live?

"Trust does not lead us to flee responsibilities, but rather to remain present in places where human societies are in turmoil. It enables us to keep going forward even in the face of failures. This trust makes us able to love with a selfless love.

"Today, many young people across the earth are trying to heal divisions in the human family. Their confident trust can make life beautiful around them. Are they aware that, so often, a hope shines out in them?”