We Are Good

Not trying to be good,
we are free to truly care.
When we try to be good,
our caring loses power.
We work harder
and accomplish less.

Trying to be good
is a pale imitation of caring.
It blooms like a flower for a moment,
but it fades soon after blooming.
Our caregiving is the fruit at the center of life,
not the flower.
We don't have to try to be good.
We are good.

"We all have a natural desire to express goodness. In childhood, this innate goodness became overlaid with definitions and meanings as we experienced the approval and disapproval of those around us. Many of us were taught that if we were not careful we would end up being 'bad.'

"Whether we are working as caregiving professionals or serving members of our family, it is not unusual for us to feel the grip of this conditioning. If we are not aware of it, our work becomes much more difficult. We try hard to please and end up frustrated, discouraged, or rebellious when we don't get the response we expect.

"Trusting our inherent goodness, we act naturally out of our compassion and wisdom. There is no need to weigh and judge what we will do or how others react. We do not need to try to be good. Goodness came to us at our first breath."