The Deep Hole

"A man was walking through a forest when he spotted a hole. He stopped to look in and saw a large bag of gold at the bottom. He reached in to grab the treasure, but the hole was too deep. No matter how hard he stretched, he could not reach the gold. So he gave up.

"As he continued his walk through the forest, he met another man and told him about the gold in the hole that was too deep to reach. The second man picked up a hooked stick, went to the hole, and pulled out the gold using the stick.

"The problem was not that the hole was too deep, but that the first man's arm was too short. The second man increased the length of his arm with a hooked stick, and he could easily reach the treasure.

"Happiness is never too far to reach. We just need to increase our wisdom and compassion.

"Then we can reach anything."