"Our spiritual journey is an ongoing response to a divine seduction. We ourselves are to become more like the Great Lover. This journey, therefore, will be fraught with pain and struggle as our egos resist the divine invitation. We all resist in one way or another. We do not want to get hurt. But, as someone once wrote, 'It is the crack in your heart that lets the Mystery in.' We all have a crack in our hearts; we have all been hurt, offended, rejected, dismissed — every one of us, in one way or another. But it is that very crack that can open us up to what this journey is all about — the call to love one another — no matter what. We must rise up, again and again, to continue stumbling faithfully toward God.

"I remember the words I heard in the solitude and silence of the Sahara:

" 'I am faithful . . . I am love . . . It is my love of which you must speak.'

"No one is to be excluded from this love. No matter how difficult the terrain, we must continue the journey. As we do so in faithfulness, God gets bigger and we become oh, so much smaller!"