Hannah Zuckerberg is an undergrad student at Pitzer College majoring in Organizational Studies with a concentration in Spirituality. Before Pitzer, she attended the Westtown School, a Quaker boarding school in Pennsylvania, a place that sparked her fire for religion and justice.

Hannah is a leader and organizer devoted to connecting people with their spirituality and resiliency. Her experience leading and organizing has taught her that although building community is messy work, it is how change manifests. During her time at Pitzer, she was an Intern at S&P contributing to the Practicing Democracy Project. She also worked in on-campus student restaurants, where she developed and implemented organizational structure.

Food is her greatest joy and she loves to host meals for friends and strangers. She believes that healing starts around a hearty meal or a good cup of tea and that gathering around the table is where meaningful, heart-changing conversations take place. She is most often found listening to music and is uplifted by Rising Appalachia, Nahko and Medicine for the People, and Nick Mulvey.