Get one or more of the 176 e-courses in Spirituality & Practice's on-demand series for half-price. That's as little as $10.50 per course, and it's an average of $25 per course. These e-courses also make great gifts.

To get the 50% discount, you need to order the e-course(s) by December 31 but you can schedule to take them now or later (even in 2020). Since these e-courses are all in our on-demand system, you choose your own start date and how often you want to receive the emails (daily, three times a week, twice a week, weekly) via your account page.

Choose among the wide variety of courses available on:

  • Classic Practices
    Centering Prayer, Strategies for Healing, Spiritual Literacy, Fairy Tales, Pilgrimage, Discernment, Creating Sanctuary, Mindfulness, Transformative Travel, Interfaith Dialogue, Lexio Divina, Photography, Celtic Spirituality, Solitude, Breath Practices, and much more.
  • Sacred Texts
    Poetry, The Qur'an, The Writings of Thomas Berry, The Parables of Jesus, Sufi Wisdom Stories, The Tao Te Ching, A Course in Miracles, The Gospel of Thomas, The Spirituality of the Gospels, The Psalms, World Wisdom, Everyday Mysticism, and much more.
  • Practicing Spirituality with Master Teachers
    Joan Chittister, Pema Chodron, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Eknath Easwaran, Edward Hays, Jesus (3 courses), Thomas Keating, Lawrence Kushner, Brian McLaren, Thomas Merton, Thomas Moore, Kent Nerburn, Thich Nhat Hanh, Henri J. M. Nouwen, John O'Donohue, Parker J. Palmer, Peacemakers, Ram Dass, Richard Rohr, Joyce Rupp, Rumi, Sharon Salzberg, Brother David Steindl-Rast
  • Elder Spirituality E-Courses
    Infusing Your Life with Creativity, Spiritual Elder Activism, Moving Beyond Life's Hurts, Navigating Life's Transitions, Soulful Aging, Learning to Accept Grief as a Lifelong Companion, Sacred Presence with the Dying, Making Peace with Death and Dying, Becoming a Wise Elder, The Sage's Tao Te Ching, ReStorying Your Life
  • 21-Day Programs
    Reframing, Living with Uncertainty, Beating the Blahs, Dealing with Disappointment, Letting Go, Patience Builders, Catalysts for Change, Fear Busters, Cultivating Contentment, Defusing Anger

To order:

(1) Find the e-course you would like to take and click "subscribe" to put it in your shopping cart.

(2) If you would like to order another course, return to the E-Courses section to find it, then click "subscribe" to put it in your shopping cart.

(3) When you have made all your selections, type in this promo code: FIFTY and then click "apply." You will see the 50% discount on all your on-demand courses.

Note: Our upcoming and current courses are still full price.

For those more visually inclined:

This is what your screen will look like after clicking "Apply"
You will see the 50% discount on all your courses.

Click the large "Checkout" button to complete your order.

We are happy to offer you this wonderful savings in appreciation for all your support of our e-courses over the years. Enjoy!