[As a way to come back to the present moment, another] method of reconnection involves acutely tuning into sound. Few things are as effective as the raw, direct experience of sound in helping you to become calm, centered, and alert.

The Practice:

Whenever you leave the present moment, you might feel tense, spacey, numb, or some combination of the three. Once you recognize that this has occurred, stop what you're doing as soon as possible. Stand or sit perfectly still. Close your eyes.

Now listen intently to every sound around you. These might include birds, wind, traffic, conversation, media, appliance white noise, or even sounds you're unable to identify. What's important is to register each sound one by one, let it penetrate you fully, and then widen your focus until another sound appears. Continue this practice for as long as it takes to fully orient yourself in time and space.

Raphael Cushnir in How Now