In order to develop character, we need sincere, honest reflection upon what is not working. This is the process of uncompromising self-assessment and self-confrontation: the willingness to face what is superfluous or fabricated within our nature.

Reflect upon the eight lies of Iktumi:

If only I were rich, then I would be happy.
If only I were famous, then I would be happy.
If only I could find the right person to marry, then I would be happy.
If only I had more friends, then I would be happy.
If only I were more attractive, then I would be happy.
If only I weren't physically handicapped in any way, then I would be happy.
If only someone close to me hadn't died, then I would be happy.
If only the world were a better place, then I would be happy.

Which of these eight lies have you been telling yourself, and for how long? What impact have they had on you, your work, and your loved ones?

Angeles Arrien in The Second Half of Life