A man came upon a guru sitting at the intersection of several roads.

"O wise man," he pleaded, "please show me the way to wisdom, meaning, and truth."

The guru pointed down one road. The man trotted off in that direction, full of anticipation. Just as he disappeared over the horizon there was a great "Kaboom!" The earth shook. There was a flash of light and a cloud of dust. The man shuffled back to the guru, disheveled and bewildered.

"I'm afraid there's been a mistake," he said. "I must have misunderstood your directions. I asked you to show me the way to wisdom, meaning, and truth."

The guru again said not a word but pointed in the same direction. This time the man walked away, slowly, more than a little apprehensive. Sure enough, as soon as he disappeared over the horizon, "Kaboom!" The earth shook. There was a flash of light and a cloud of dust. He returned to the guru covered with debris and his clothes shredded.

"You fraud!" he angrily told the guru. "This is not funny! Twice I asked you for the way to wisdom, meaning and truth and you don't even speak. You just point."

The wise man rose to his feet, pointed once more in the same direction, and spoke: "Wisdom, meaning, and truth beyond Kaboom!"

R. Wayne Willis, Hope Notes