Each one is different
and each one is needed
for the completion of humanity in God.
We are bonded together:
vulnerable, one to another,
open, one to another.
Together we reflect the infinite beauty of God,
the unity in God.
Together we cry out our thanks to God and to others.

We cry out together our desire for God to be glorified
as the source and the end of all beings.
This unity, which comes from the inner life of each person,
is only possible when, stone by stone,
the walls around our vulnerable hearts come down.

Then we no longer judge ourselves as unworthy
and we no longer judge others as unworthy.
We see in them and in ourselves the light and love of God.
There is no longer a void or anguish or terrible loneliness,
but a new life, the very life of God, surging up from within us.
It is an experience of freedom and oneness with others,
an experience of a fullness of life
where one's very identity has mysteriously given way
to a new identity that flows directly from God.

This wondrous unity is a promise of what will be given to us
as we become transformed in God.
On earth we may live glimpses of it,
but most of the time we struggle against the chaos within.
We struggle to keep welcoming people,
to love those whom we do not like or who do not like us.
We struggle to love those who are different or who appear to be rivals.
We struggle to love our enemies, those who hurt us.
We struggle not to judge and condemn people.

Jean Vanier, Drawn into The Mystery of Jesus