It is in the social dimension that God the Father is most offended at present. It is important that his holy name be sanctified in this area.

God is sanctified in the arena of history by someone who is ready to do battle alongside the oppressed in the quest for their freedom from bondage. The most holy name of the Father is sanctified by someone who seeks solidarity with subordinated classes, who enters into the social process with all its conflicts and helps to construct more egalitarian relationships within the social fabric. There is another asceticism besides that of the body. It is the asceticism of bearing with defamation, persecution, imprisonment, torture, and the degradation of hard labor. Above the ascetic tower the figures of the prophet and of the political activist who confront abusive power, who raise their voices in the name of conscience and the holiness of God and cry out: "It is not lawful for you!" (Mark 6:18). "You must not victimize one another." (Lev. 25:17). Today there are all too few Christians, especially in established church communities, who are experimenting with this new sanctification of the world.

Leonardo Boff, Praying With Jesus and Mary