Return in imagination to some scene where you experienced God's goodness and God's love for you . . . in any form. . . . Stay with it and take in God's love once again. . . . Now come to the present and speak with God.

Or return to an event when you felt very close to God . . . or when you felt intense spiritual joy and consolation. . . .

It is important that you relive the event in your imagination and not merely recollect it. . . . Take all the time you need. . . . This reliving will bring on again the feelings you experienced then: joy or intimacy or love. . . . Then make sure that you do not run away from those feelings but stay with them as long as you can. . . . Stay with them until you feel a sense of peacefulness and contentedness. Then return to the present. . . . Speak with the Lord for a while and then end the exercise.

Anthony de Mello, Sadhana