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Results for "author_first: "Sam", author_last: "Keen", latest_content: 1"
Faces of the Enemy A process of self-examination to help us be conscious of our warrior psyche and remove the beam from our own eye.
Faces of the Enemy What is necessary to counter our tendencies toward cruelty and revenge.
Sightings Twelve well-written and creative essays designed to draw out our wonder and respect for the beauty and mystery of birds and other creatures.
Hymns to an Unknown God A book of deep spiritual wisdon and down-to-earth practicality.
Voices and Visions A call to live joyfully within the limit of our mortality.
To Love and Be Loved Explores sixteen different elements of love from attention to enchantment.
Telling Your Story An extraordinarily useful resource which challenges us to explore the stories of our lives.
Aromas of Love Remembering the senses of your childhood.
Hymns to an Unknown God Sam Keen on what is needed for a shift to a compassionate culture.
Inward Bound A recognition of the patience required to build inner riches.