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Results for "author_first: Jack, author_last: Kornfield"
A Lamp in the Darkness Buddhist Teachings and practices to help us navigate through tough times.
The Jewel of Liberation Dharma talks about suffering and natural freedom.
The Buddha Is Still Teaching A top-drawer collection of Buddhist wisdom and teachings from 75 contemporary writers.
The Wise Heart An exploration and explanation of the riches, breadth, and depth of Buddhist psychology.
The Wise Heart A rich and multidimensional exploration of Buddhist psychology.
Guided Meditation Six guided meditations for practitioners of all ages.
Living Dharma Jack Kornfield on how comparing and judging teachers inhibits practice.
The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace Joanne C. Jones with a teaching story about kindness she learned in nursing school.
Seeking the Heart of Wisdom Joseph Goldstein and Jack Kornfield on Mad Bear's gratitude ceremony.
A Path with Heart Jack Kornfield with a meditation on who you truly are.