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Results for "author_first: Jane, author_last: Vennard"
Wordless Intercessory Prayer Jane E. Vennard's story about personal transformation following wordless intercessory prayer for Osama bin Laden.
Take Your Desire to Forgive to God A practice for forgiving yourself and others.
Be Still Ideas on planning and leading a contemplative retreat where silence, listening, and waiting are emphasized.
Be Still Jane E. Vennard on finding the still point within.
A Praying Congregation Jane Vennard on the practice of doing anything for devotion.
The Way of Prayer Gives us plenty of ways to jump-start our devotional life.
A Praying Congregation Insights into and examples of Christian prayer practices.
Pray with Your Actions Look at your activities as ways to add justice and peace to the world.
Embracing the World A variety of prayer practices that can help mend the shattered and battered world.