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Results for "keyword: "failure""
American Radicals A look at how the history of radical thought is often a history of failure.
The Character of Virtue Reflections on patience, baseball, and peace.
Single White Monk Astute and humorous observations of a Zen monk.
Big Magic Elizabeth Gilbert on trusting your creativity and putting it out there.
Spiritual Resilience A reframing of the role of failure in the spiritual life.
Why Good People Do Bad Things Debbie Ford on finding a release for our shadow side.
The Way of Failure Mariana Caplan on the valuable meaning of loss.
Pebbles of Wisdom from Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz on how the spiritually mature person can bounce back from failures, setbacks, and crises, which has to do with hope.
Quiet Mind A reframe of failure as not failing down but staying down.
Falling Upward Richard Rohr on failure and suffering as the great equalizers.